If you're looking for a new career in teaching or just want to get information about opportunities that are out there, you're going to want to visit the huge Multistate Educators' Career Fair at the University of Montana in Missoula. Teaching candidates, school counselors, speech-language pathologists and school psychologists will have the chance to meet and network with regional and national school districts, on Sunday and Monday, April 9-10.

Candidate registration begins at noon on Sunday, April 9th in the Phyllis J. Washington Education Center on the UM campus. For those wanting more information about becoming a teacher can attend the Montana school district information sessions and an ice cream social between 1-5pm. Also on April 9th, you can attend a 15-minute resume critiquing session between 1-4:30pm.

On April 10th, school districts will participate in the Multistate Educators Fair. Out-of-state school districts will host information from 8-10am in the University Center. From 10am-3pm school districts will greet , network, and interview candidates. And the best part, admission is free.

School districts and teacher candidates can register, view a list of attending school districts and find a schedule of events online, just click here. If you have any friends that are teachers please share this information with them.


    Beautiful Big Sky View of Missoula!

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