For the last few weeks, Ogren Park has been hosting Trivia Tuesdays, and they've been steadily growing in popularity. Each week typically has a theme, and they often try to tie that theme in to whatever movie they're showing that week for Centerfield Cinema. For example, when they showed Mean Girls, it was all high school trivia, and to celebrate Space Jam, it was sports trivia.

They're sort of ditching that idea for the next round (even though I would KILL it at Talking Heads trivia for Stop Making Sense, just saying) - but for good reason. You see, this Friday is Harry Potter's birthday! Ok, I know he's a fictional character, but in the books, he was born on July 31st, and it's also the same day Voldemort tried to kill him and left him with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead, so y'know, kind of a big deal.

And normally, Highlander Beer hosts an annual Harry Potter trivia party to celebrate at their location - but since it typically draws in a big crowd, it makes more sense to do it in a bigger venue, right? So this Tuesday, July 28th, Ogren Park's trivia night is going to be Harry Potter-themed, with prizes for best dressed, best team name, and for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

I've made my way out to a couple of these trivia nights and they've been a ton of fun (and often, surprisingly hard). Will you be checking out Harry Potter trivia? You can find all the info you need at their Facebook event page.

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