Hamilton, Stevensville Libraries Adjust Services
With Phase One Montana Re-opening, both the Hamilton and Stevensville public libraries have started "curbside" pickup service for patrons. The North Valley Public Library started their modified re-opening earlier this week, with a pickup area and limited computer access inside the building. Nancy Bevins, in a news release, said material can be requested by phone at 777-5061 or online at the Stevensville library's website, and then pickup the items at a table set up outside the building between 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, Thursday and Friday, and from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday. The library is closed on weekends. Computer time inside the building as allowed for 30 minutes at a time by appointment only and you must have a mask! The computers will be disinfected between uses. The public is not allowed inside to browse the collection.
Hamilton's Bitterroot Public Library is keeping the public out of the building, but also has a pickup table at the front entrance. Call the library at 363-1670 or visit the library website, use your library card to select your material and then head over to the library. When you get there, call 363-1670 and they'll check out your items and bring them out to the table. Wait behind the line until the staff approaches. Wear a facemask! They will not be taking any payments for fines. Return items in the book drops, not on the table.