Speaking as a Gold Star father, I think events like this are wonderful tributes to mothers of fallen soldiers. Gold Star Mothers Day is observed the last Sunday in September and everyone is invited to a special ceremony in Ronan September 30th. It's a day for people to recognize and honor those who have lost a son or daughter while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Guest speakers will include Gold Star moms from Montana. All Gold Star families and the general public are invited to attend.  It gets underway at 12:00 Noon Sunday the 30th in Ronan's Bockman Park. There will be a luncheon after the ceremony for Gold Star families at the Ronan FVW Hall, but if you'd like to attend the luncheon, they'd like to have you RSVP by September 24th so they can get an idea of how much food will be needed. To RSVP and/or  get more details about the ceremony, please contact Joe Warren, Survivor Outreach Program Coordinator, 406-324-5218.

God bless our troops. DB

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