Free Screening This Weekend for a Very Common Medical Condition
Like many wives my wife often comes home and tells me about her day but honestly it generally goes in one ear and out the other as she rambles on about veins and compression stockings and ulcers. However, she got my attention the other day when she was telling me that she is going to be working this upcoming Saturday May 13th. Since this affects our biking and weekend adventure time I started listening.
Savannah is the Varicose Vein Coordinator for Missoula Surgical Associates and this Saturday they will be holding a free varicose vein screening. That means that all Missoulian’s will have the opportunity to meet one on one with a surgeon to discuss topics such as leg discomfort and varicose veins which can be signs of a vascular disease that affects both men and women.
Personally I hate going to the doctor but I often wonder if I should see a doctor for this reason or that. It’s a hassle to go in and pay money when I just have a few questions. You get to talk to a surgeon about all your leg questions and issues but you don’t have to pay a dime.
If you were interested give Missoula Surgical a call at 406-542-7525 and reserve your spot for this Saturday May 13th from 9am -12 PM.
The first ever Knockerball Tournament in Missoula