DoorDash Driver Caught On Doorbell Camera Drinking From Milkshake
This! THIS RIGHT HERE!! This is why I don't use any of the services where people pickup food and deliver it to you!
A California family placed an order from Cold Stone and had it delivered using DoorDash. A 14-year-old answered the door, received his milkshake, and all was well in the world as the driver went on his merry way.
When the family looked at the footage from their doorbell camera in the morning they noticed the delivery driver TAKING A SIP out of the milkshake just as he's about to ring the doorbell! Ughhh! Nasty!
As you can guess, it left the family a bit disgusted. They say all they want is an apology from DoorDash and to be promised it won’t happen to someone else. As of now they've reported the incident and provided a copy of the video but have yet to hear back from DoorDash.
Read the story and see the video footage from the doorbell camera HERE!