Four shows, performed by pilots John Bagley, Todd Therp, Danny Sorenson and Brad Wursten, were the highlights of the "Wings and Wheels" airshow at the Ravalli County Airport on a beautiful summertime Saturday, June 24.

The crowd was estimated in the thousands, which caused a lengthy delay in traffic at the end of the show, but law enforcement helped move the autos along.

Wursten's "Power Addiction" show in his custom MXS-R aerobatic plane provided the most oohs and aahs as he snapped the unlimited Lucas Oil plane upside-down, straight up and straight down about over 15 minutes. Wursten told KLYQ that the "G' force on his body was over 14 G's on some of the maneuvers. His carbon fiber craft was a streak in the sky. He left Hamilton early Saturday afternoon to perform Sunday at Sonoma for a NASCAR event.

Danny Sorenson brought his "Unfinished Business" biplane to the air show. He designed and built the aerobatic plane himself. As a result, the name of the aircraft is the Sorensen BF9-2. He built the plane with parts from Scotland, Russia, Germany on an American Airframe. The top speed is 150 miles per hour.

John Bagley is the owner of Bob Hoover's famous "Ole Yeller" P-51D Mustang. The Mustang and a WWII SNJ-5 Navy trainer buzzed the crowd. The Mustang did a series of rolls with its distinctive Merlin 12-cylindeer engine.

Todd Therp led off the aerobatics with his all-aluminum Interaria E3. Therp, from Rigby, Idaho, had a truly international aircraft doing the loops and rolls.

Sorenson and Wursten circled the American flag as skydivers brought it down to Earth to start the show. The aircraft were from Legacy Museum Airshow, Golden Age Airshow and Power Addiction Airshow.

Two rows of restored and custom aircraft lined the Hamilton Airport apron throughout the day, and more WWII wintage planes landed in the late morning. The crowds swarmed around the planes and talked to the owners and pilots.

The BitterRodders Car Club provided the classic and hot rod cars in a grassy display area. They also brought the vintage rock music for the event. Steve Fullerton of KLYQ provided commentary for the Air Show.

Over 750 breakfasts were served in the fly-in breakfast. The day was organized by the Ravalli County Pilots Association, with major support from a long list of sponsors, including Choice Aviation and Triple Creek Ranch.

One of the "older" displays in the car show. (Steve Fullerton, Townsquare Media)
One of the "older" displays in the car show. (Steve Fullerton, Townsquare Media)

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