Back to School Blast at Southgate Mall in Missoula
Mark your calendar now for Tuesday, August 16th from 4-7pm you should plan on being at the Southgate Mall. First you're going to want to register at JCPenney Court because at 7:15pm that's where all the grand prize drawings will take place. The prizes include a family fun night, Griz Season Tickets, an iPad, and in total over $2500 in various prizes.
The back to school blast is making going back to school so much easier! All families that attend will receive a goodie bag full of discounts. There will also be local vendors providing back to school information including school supplies checklists. There will be a variety of kids, teens and adult activities. For the kids even some free ice cream, teens will have pizza, and parents are welcome to visit the VIP Lounge with beer and wine.
There will even be haircuts offered for just $10. For all parents this is the easiest way to go back to school, make sure you are there for the back to school blast!
Beautiful Big Sky View of Seeley Lake!