Back Country Horsemen of Missoula Membership Round Up!
It's about that time of year again when the Back Country Horsemen of Missoula get together for their membership Round Up! The event will have a pot luck dinner, live auction, silent auction, and club displays. Taking place on Saturday, February 25th, the doors will open at 6:30pm for the meet and greet, dinner and activities to follow. The event will be taking place at the Lolo Community Center, on HWY 93 just south of Lolo on the west side of the HWY.
Everyone is welcome to attend that have a desire to maintain our access to the scenic back country. Anyone interested in trail head and trail maintenance, trail safety, and trail etiquette are also encouraged to attend. There will be lots of information about BCH membership, volunteer opportunities, and Leave No Trace.
The cost of an individual membership is $35, family membership is $45.
BCH Missoula 2017 event calendars are available for purchase for $12.
Bear spray will be available at a group discount with membership!
If you want to know more about sponsorship's or have any questions contact Gary Salisbury at 529-7242.
Big Sky View of Tarkio at 5,500 feet in the air!