Are We Slobs in Our National Parks?
Watching a special on the 100th anniversary of our national parks on Smithsonian brought this to mind.
A report that came out talking to officials in Yellowstone National Park specifically, says that frustration is mounting due to animal harassment, vandalism, sloppiness and theft. Yellowstone's busy tourist season has led to a lot more encounters with wildlife, people camping where they're not allowed to and the taking the park's resources.
It's not just a Yellowstone issue, of course. Similar problems are on the rise in national parks all across the country. I guess if we don't start monitoring ourselves, reducing the rule-breaking and increasing the common sense, you will see more and more rules and sanctions in the parks.
Treat us like adults until we act like children...too bad that extends to places like Glacier and Yellowstone, too. Here's wishing our national parks a happy, healthy second hundred years. DB