A Montana Town is America’s Most Middle of Nowhere
We received word that the Washington Post published a finding (nothing else to cover in D.C.?) that determined America's real middle of nowhere.
Of course, you have to establish some guidelines. In this case, it was all towns with at least 1,000 residents, based on how far the town was from any metropolitan area of at least 75,000 people. The research credits 22 authors, processing data to determine what town best represents the "middle of nowhere." Factors included geography, demographics, transportation types, vegetation, elevation and lots more.
So, "after countless hours of computer time processing every pixel and every populated place in the contiguous United States to find the town that best represents the middle of nowhere", the Malaria Atlas Project at Oxford's Big Data Institute found the most middle of nowhere right here in Montana.
We congratulate the 3,363 hearty (and apparently lonely) souls of Glasgow, Montana, out on the state's rolling northeastern prairies! Our guess is most of them like it that way!
No word on whether the research team will be delivering Glasgow a special prize. Maybe they can't find it. After all, it's out in the middle of......