6th Annual Cowboy Ball in Hamilton
While I was down at the Bitterroot Stockgrowers Expo this past weekend I met lots of great people that live in Hamilton. I was fortunate enough to be introduced by Steve Fullerton who has worked at KLYQ-AM down there for many years so often referred to as the un-official mayor of Hamilton, to the group that puts on the Cowboy Ball and they are really excited about the festivities this year.
The Cowboy Ball is set for 5:30pm on Saturday, February 11th at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds in Hamilton. Russ Nasset and the Revelators will be playing the music with lots of food and beverages available for purchase. There will be a feed buckle raffle, live auction, tons of games, and calf-pie bingo will benefit rodeo grounds improvement projects.
The cost is only $10 for adults at the door, $5 for students and kids 5 and under are free. Although unless you want to be standing shoulder to shoulder with everyone you might want to purchase a table for 8 guests for $150, the table purchase gets you entry and drink tokens. You can also get a "sweetheart table" for 2 guests with drink tokens for $50.
For more details reach out to fairgrounds@rc.mt.gov or call 406-363-3411.