
See How New Yorkers Are Commuting Post-Hurricane Sandy
See How New Yorkers Are Commuting Post-Hurricane Sandy
See How New Yorkers Are Commuting Post-Hurricane Sandy
Hey, thanks Sandy! As if people didn't hate taking the bus enough, now we get to wait in a line to wait in line to ride one. That's right -- the lines have lines. It's taking people multiple hours to get to and from work. Good thing it's not miserable outside. Just kidding, it totally is! Here are some pics of what people are doing just to get to work.
The Most Amazing and Shocking Photos From the Disaster of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast
The Most Amazing and Shocking Photos From the Disaster of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast
The Most Amazing and Shocking Photos From the Disaster of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast
There are a lot of images of the impact of Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast circulating the Internet right now. It's a lot to look through. However, we've done the work for you and compiled the images that are the most awe-striking, interesting and breathtaking and put them in one place. Some of these images are being used by other news sources around the country, while others are more exclusive as they come from our friends who live right in the thick of where Hurricane Sandy hit. Take a look...

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