Taylor Ramos Runs for Missoula County Public Schools’ Board of Trustees
Taylor Ramos is running for the Missoula County School Board of Trustees in District B for Bonner and Target Range.
She explained to KGVO her reasons for running for office.
“I'm running as a young woman who is looking to have kids sometime in the future but kids are the future of this country,” said Ramos. “I feel as though their interest and the interests of their parents have been neglected for far too long.”

Ramos said the current school board is not representing children and their parents.
“Just looking at the way the Missoula County Public School Board has been operating, it's operating as a giant, bureaucratic governmental body instead of a body that is representing the country's most valuable assets which is our children and the parents of those children who are trying to raise the next generation,” she said.
Ramos said her one goal if elected is to represent the views of parents, without pursuing her own agenda.
“I want to run as the parents’ voice, not with my own agenda,” she said. “I have no agenda that I am trying to push through for the school board for the parents or any of the kids. I think that we need to stop fighting with one another, and instead just listen to what the parents are saying. Because at the end of the day, it's their children that are in school and they are trusting us with that gift of their children and their children's mind, their education and quite frankly, their children's future.”
Ramos was asked about her role of helping to choose new curricula for the school districts.
“We need to be looking at the different kinds of curriculum that are out there and helping teachers decide what is best, along with taking the opinions of parents and looking at what other schools around the state and around the country are doing,” she said. “We should look at the top schools with the best educated students that are coming out of them and seeing what they are doing, and perhaps model what we implement in Missoula County after those schools.”
Ramos also told KGVO that in no way would she ever propose or support the teaching of Critical Race Theory in Missoula County Public Schools.