
Leaf Pickup Is Underway
Leaf Pickup Is Underway
Leaf Pickup Is Underway
Now is the time to get started on raking those leaves out to the curb. Missoula City Street Department crews will begin leaf pickups.  The city is split up into sections and each section has an assigned time when trucks and front end loaders will converge there and haul the leaves away...
Yeah! Pumpkin Beer is Here!
Yeah! Pumpkin Beer is Here!
Yeah! Pumpkin Beer is Here!
There is a rumor going around that fall flavored beer is already out on store shelves. Apparently some beer drinkers are upset because they think that summer isn’t over yet. These beer lovers don’t want to even see a fall flavored beer until the leaves start to fall. However, I love fall, and would be thrilled to have pumpkin spice beer in the middle of July if I could get it.
5 Best Things About Fall
5 Best Things About Fall
5 Best Things About Fall
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting very tired of the 90 degree weather we’ve been enduring for the past couple months. Now we’ve added smoke to the heat, making it feel like we’re sweltering in a stew of our own juices every time we step outside. I long for the day when this ...