Vodka Tasting this Evening at The Rhino
Lovable, local spirits connoisseur Kevin Head visited me in the studio this week to tell us about the vodka tasting he is hosting tonight at The Rhino.
If you know Kevin, you know he's more of a whiskey/scotch guy, but he recently discovered the wonderful world of vodka while visiting a distillery in the Flathead. Kevin will be on hand along with local distributors to host 5 stations with 5 different high end vodkas at The Rhino this evening (4/19) starting at 5 p.m. You'll get to sample all 5 and enjoy some cocktails made with your favorites for $35 at the door. Also, you don't have to show up right at 5, it's pretty casual and you can visit each station at your own pace.
You'll learn about the origins of the vodkas, how they are made and sample each. According to Vodkaphiles, it's all about the smell, taste and sight when sampling vodka. For more info, just swing by The Rhino today, or give them a call at 721-6061. So have fun and make sure to hit up your Uber app when you're finished.