It’s Veterans Day and RIVER (the Rural Institute for Veterans Education and Research) is hoping to say thank you to Montana Vets by offering a host of free services and opportunities.
From Flag Day to the 4th of July, Veterans Day to Memorial Day, one indomitable force has been behind every patriotic celebration in Missoula, Susan Campbell Reneau.
Senator Jon Tester announced at a Veterans Day ceremony in Missoula, that the U.S. Senate had unanimously passed nearly $2 billion in funding for the Veterans Administration.
At the Veterans Day ceremony Wednesday on the Missoula County Courthouse lawn, Montana senior Senator Jon Tester announced an appropriation of nearly $2 billion dollars for veterans health care. The vote was unanimous.
We here at KYSS want to say thank you to our enlisted men and women, and their families, in Missoula who sacrifice so much for all of us all year long.