
Watch Some Adorable Katie Couric Bloopers
Watch Some Adorable Katie Couric Bloopers
Watch Some Adorable Katie Couric Bloopers
Katie Couric's new daytime show, 'Katie,' starts today. Maybe if we get all of this out of our systems, she'll have a smooth run. Or maybe it will just be wacky zoom city all over the place. Either way, sounds entertaining to us. Hopefully there won't be as many swear words as there are in some of these bloopers we found. Although, again, either way sounds entertaining to us.
What Are Your Guilty Pleasures? I Love Mine
What Are Your Guilty Pleasures? I Love Mine
What Are Your Guilty Pleasures? I Love Mine
Do you have a guilty pleasure? Something you enjoy, but that you are embarrassed to admit it? I do. I actually have a couple of guilty pleasures. My husband would tell you that my guilty pleasures make him think that I am a 70 year old trapped in a 30 year-olds body ...