
Reward Doubles for Poacher
Reward Doubles for Poacher
Reward Doubles for Poacher
The reward for information about the poaching of a cow moose by Avon has been doubled to $2000. Game warden Joe Kambic says that the moose was poached Monday, Feb. 18 near Carpenter and Ophir Creeks. The moose had evidence of multiple gunshot wounds from a small caliber rifle...
Poaching Info Sought
Poaching Info Sought
Poaching Info Sought
I used to be an avid hunter. When I was a kid it was one of the ways we put meat on the table. I quit hunting several years ago because, to be honest, I just got tired shooting things. I respect and understand anyone who hunts. When I run across something like this I get pretty upset; On Tuesday, FWP game warden, Joe Kambic, responded to a report of an injured moose near Avon...