Man, people are stupid. Here's a tip: don't steal phones. But if you're going to steal phones, maybe make sure the person you're stealing from isn't an MMA fighter.
A thief approached mixed-martial artist Polyana Viana on a street in Brazil, pretended to draw a weapon, and told her to hand over her phone...
You probably heard about the hostage hoax from yesterday afternoon in Missoula. Although, you probably didn't know there was a live stream video that was recording from inside the house that was occupied by the two people who were questioned in the incident...
When I was growing up I remember we had dinner as a family most nights, and on Sunday it wasn't an option we had dinner together, as a family. That is probably why I love A little Italian restaurant in New York called Lebro's. They are offering customers 10% off on Sundays for turning off their smartphones during meals...