Colonel Little shared an unclassified update on the transformation that is set to take place at our nuclear missile sites here in Montana, noting that Northrup Grumman has already been on the ground and environmental surveys are being conducted as well.
Montana Governor Greg Gianforte says the object that was shot down over Lake Huron is the same object that was spotted over Havre, Montana and led US authorities to shut down the airspace briefly on Saturday.
Located near the geographical center of Montana, the airbase included a top-secret storage facility for a new piece of technology called the Norden bombsight. This week, the former training center was added as an American WWII Heritage City by the National Park Service.
While the event is looked at as a celebration, please keep in mind the day is to honor our nations hero's that gave their life fighting for the freedoms we enjoy each day.
You can expect specialists on hand from Sleep Diagnostic and members from RIVER on hand to answer all kinds of sleep questions from diet and exercise to sleep Ahpnia.
Come spend the afternoon with the Soldiers of Co B. 163rd Inf, see the latest equipment, talk to your fellow community members, and learn what the Guard does!
If we can do the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS, we should all be able to step up and show our support for the people that allow us to enjoy freedom on a daily basis.