With its Larchmont Golf Course contract set to expire, Missoula County plans to bring in a team of experts to review the course and recommend alternative operating models.
Two great golf shots...both at the Masters in different years...and the announcers say the same thing..."IN YOUR LIFE HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THAT?" (different announcers!)
I recently played 9 holes of golf at the Highlands Golf Club. I shelled out $15 in ones for the cashier. "Tip money," I assured him. I did not elaborate.
I'm an average golfer. Sort of a weekend warrior on the links. They say it takes about 10,000 hours to get good at something. With this measurement, I'm about a quarter of the way to golf mastery. But you wouldn't know by watching my sw
Thanks to my old friend and former Missoula broadcaster Dan Sollom for joining me on the show this mornng to talk about "Coaches vs. Cancer." Dan lost his sister to cancer a couple of years back and is a cancer survivor himself.