If you find yourself traveling one of the many backroads here in Montana and comes across an old boot on a fence post, here's why you don't want to touch it.
With well over 100k YouTube subscribers, this young lady is one of Montana's biggest social media stars. Kate Stephens is someone we need to know more about.
NOW I understand why I've been seeing so many social media posts inquiring about local farm eggs. The grocery store shelves are nearly empty, often, and those that are available are a lot more expensive than they were just a few months ago.
I purchased a few chickens this spring and started my backyard chicken farm. I must admit that I was a little apprehensive at first as to exactly how things would go. I worried about my chickens running off if they were let out of the coop. I was concerned other animals would get into their coop and eat them. The thing that scared me the most was that my husband has a bird dog.
This spring I dove head first into backyard chicken farming. I purchased seven laying hens and 16 chicks. I was off and running, and a little overwhelmed, but happy. Twelve of my chicks were to be eaten and four were to one day become laying hens.
So last year my husband really got into gardening. He built himself a nice big garden with raised beds and six foot high fences to keep the deer out. He probably had 300 tomatoes come out of his garden, along with a few other vegetables. The garden was a great success and he is already itching to turn his thumb green this year. I caught him scouring gardening websites last night, looking for just
Missoula residents know where their water comes from...turn on the tap and Mountain Water provides the water. But, on the Confederated Salish and Kootenai reservation the issue of water rights has a long and complicated history, but some solutions are being proposed.