Mumford & Sons Intimate Performance at Ear Candy
Over the weekend our friends at Ear Candy Music posted that they had a big announcement coming, and I was hoping it had something to do with Mumford & Sons. Check this out, the band asked John if they could do an in store performance, naturally, the gang at Ear Candy gleefully accepted!
Ear Candy is pretty tiny, that means this will be a very intimate performance. It's set for Sunday, sometime before their sold out, ten thousand person show at Ogren Park. Whether or not you get to be at the in store performance is left to luck, here's how to try.
-Go to Ear Candy (624 S Higgins, across from Big Dipper.)
-Put your name and email in a lottery.
-Winners will be picked randomly and contacted Saturday with instructions on when to arrive and how to be admitted.
It's that easy, and Ear Candy promises not to use your email address for anything outside of this contest. GOOD LUCK!