There's an amazing group called "Imagine Missoula." I learned about them in the winter of 2018 and felt like "these are my people," you know, you've had that feeling. Well I kind of forgot about the group, as we haven't had much of a winter, but they're still going strong and I wanted to bring their wonderful work back into the spotlight for two reasons. 1. Even though they don't want or expect it, they deserve applause; 2. Winter has to hit eventually, and they are always accepting volunteers.

Simply, what this group of local volunteers does, many of them who don't know each other, they're just genuinely nice Missoulians who care about other humans, is shovel and remove snow. As you know, Missoula residents must have sidewalks cleared by 9 a.m. following a snowfall or we face a fine. For the elderly and disabled, this is next to impossible. Hell, for any working Missoulian, it's a tough task to have to take on while getting kids to school and yourself to work. Imagine Missoula gets it, and they pitch in to help. The group also performs household tasks and other helpful chores for senior citizens. Check out this great article from KPAX to learn more. You can also go straight to the Imagine Missoula website or Facebook page.

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