Missoula High School Students Can Now Get Rapid COVID Tests
Recently, Missoula County Public Schools moved to Phase 2 of their reopening plan, meaning they're bringing kids into the classroom four days a week. And while it's great that kids are starting to get somewhat back to a normal schedule, it does open up the question of how the school plans to contain any COVID outbreaks that might happen now that now that you've got more kids in the building and more frequently.
To help prevent that, Missoula County Public Schools have begun offering rapid COVID testing for high school students in Missoula, available on a limited basis. The tests are only for students who are currently showing symptoms and have been showing symptons for less than a week.
The rapid tests aren't always as reliable as a normal COVID test, but it's a good indicator to show if something is wrong, and making them easier to access for kids in school is definitely a good thing.
If your high school student is looking for a COVID test, they'll have to make an appointment and head down to the Missoula County Public Schools Business Office - they'll be offering them from 8 AM until 3 PM on Mondays, and 8 AM until 9:30 AM on Tuesdays through Fridays.
Meanwhile, the online learning option is still available if you or your child doesn't feel comfortable heading back into the building just yet. Hopefully, with the distribution of the vaccine over the coming months, we can get to a point where we can return back to normal by the beginning of the next school year.