Like many cities across the country, the neighborhoods in Missoula have their own distinct features and flavors. We're so fortunate to have incredible data available from the City of Missoula about Missoula's neighborhoods. From their data, we know that:

  • Missoula's population is 83,448
  • 24% of Missoula's total area is public
  • 51% of buildings are single-family
  • $54,820 is the median household income

While there may be slight variations, this data reflects demographics in 2022, but two years later it is likely still close to reflecting current demographics.

Demographics aside, sometimes a neighborhood is almost ineffable. You can't truly know it unless you've lived there. Unless you've witnessed seasons, connected with neighbors, celebrated life events, or learned about your neighborhood in ways that only a resident can.

Yet you might be curious about what it's like to live in other parts of Missoula, or you're new to Missoula, or you need to find a different part of Missoula to call home. There may be a lot to consider. As a team of writers who've lived in Missoula for decades, we've described Missoula's neighborhoods and what makes each one of them distinct.

READ MORE: Take a Look at Missoula's Most Interesting Street Names

Using the City of Missoula Neighborhood Profiles, along with our collective knowledge of Missoula, we wrote an article for each one of Missoula's neighborhoods. Below, we've included a summary of each one, but if there is any neighborhood you'd like to know more about, follow the link to a full article.

Here is an overview of every neighborhood in Missoula.

Getting to Know All of Missoula's Neighborhoods

Using the City of Missoula's Neighborhood Profiles combined with our local knowledge, here's a look at Missoula's neighborhoods:

Gallery Credit: Ashley

Entertaining Street Names You'll Find in Missoula Montana

Gallery Credit: Ashley

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