Gray Wolf Peak Casino and KYSS Have a Touchdown Takeoff Winner
Our thanks to Gray Wolf Peak Casino for letting us partner with them for the Touchdown Takeoff Getaway contest.
There were several ways to enter, including responding to an e-blast sent out to Player's Club members. That is how Pam Wieglenda (pictured) got in the hunt for a fabulous prize package and we were privileged to be the ones to call her with the great news.
Pam and a guest are on their way to Denver to enjoy a Denver Broncos/Minnesota Vikings football game on August 11. She also won airfare, car rental, two nights hotel stay, $500 spending money and Broncos jerseys. Pam's lucky guest is her daughter Kelly. We hope they have an awesome time. Congratulations, Pam and thanks for entering. Hey, Gray Wolf Peak Casino: Let's do it again together soon, okay?
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