Our top photo is a grouping of wildflowers that Bob Danley has picked to simulate a fireworks display. (see photo above) Use your imagination and you can almost hear the bombs bursting in air. The long weekend for July 4th could bring you out into the wilds of Montana. Look around and you'll see bird families with the young ducks and herons, along with all those songbirds waking you up in the morning. Danley of KLYQ's Bitterroot Outdoor Journal recommends you checking out the colorful Ruddy Ducks at the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge and listen for the odd sounds from the baby Blue Herons, demanding food from mom and dad.

Bob has seen 38 species of butterflies this season, but the cooler weather is making it tough to find them. Look around the Bitterroot River for them ... and emerging dragonflies, like the Hudsonian Whiteface (see photo below). Over 110 species of wildflowers are now flowering. Are ya sneezing? It's also a good year for lots of Beargrass. Bob's report is now heard on Friday mornings during the Event Show on 1240 AM KLYQ Radio.

dragonfly in Bitterroot
The Hudsonian Whiteface dragonfly. (bob Danley Photo)

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