It never ceases to amaze me the things that are for sale on Craigslist. I enjoy seeing the items that people think they can sell. I’m sure we would all be surprised at what does sell. One of these days, when I have spare time on my hands, I’m going to see what crazy stuff I can sell. Here are a few crazy things I’ve found on Craigslist this week.

A pair of used hearing aids that are apparently a steal at $500.

Someone who wants to buy your broken gaming systems.

Four-year-old, free cats named Pepper and Espresso.

You can bring the ‘70s back, but I’m not sure why you would want to.

A “beautiful baby” is for sale.

Registered miniature cattle are on the market.

You can get pure-bread, New Zealand, champion bunnies while they last.

Got bored kids? Apparently the fix is 6,000 postage stamps.

Everyone’s favorite purple dinosaur is up for grabs.

My personal favorite is a Rainier beer blow up bottle with legs, strait from the ‘80s.

 Joy Larson is a mother of four boys, graduate of the University of Montana, animal lover and writer.

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