The Missoula County Attorney’s Office filed 13 new criminal complaints this week, which is right around their weekly average these days. Deputy County Attorney Matt Jennings provided KGVO with this week’s crime report.

“Five of those were violent crimes,” Jennings said. “Sadly, two of them were family crimes of violence. Three were non-family crimes, assaults and assaults with a weapon. We had three endangerment crimes, which are either criminal endangerments or DUIs in the felony realm and that means somebody has four or more DUIs.”

In one of those violent crimes, a man allegedly held a knife to a woman’s throat and face. Another man allegedly assaulted a girl’s visiting father at a downtown bar. According to Jennings, they charged one theft case as well.

“That involved a fairly large amount of money that was stolen through an internet scam,” Jennings said. “We had two cases of drug possession. We also had two administrative crimes, which included failure to register as a sexual or violent offender and one fugitive complaint, which means somebody is in trouble in another state and we have to file some paperwork to bring them into custody and to get them back to their home state so they can deal with them.”

The Missoula Police Department implemented extra patrol on Halloween, but no felony arrests were made that night. However, local law enforcement did arrest seven separate individuals for driving under the influence.

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