Missoula weather

Halloween Weekend Forecast for the Missoula Area
Halloween Weekend Forecast for the Missoula Area
Halloween Weekend Forecast for the Missoula Area
We know as Montanans that we are going to most likely deal with cooler weather on Halloween. From snow to rain to just that chill mountain air. Be prepared for what we are in for. Since Halloween falls on a Monday, a lot of people will be celebrating during the weekend.
Will Missoula Have a White Christmas?
Will Missoula Have a White Christmas?
Will Missoula Have a White Christmas?
If you're dreaming of a white Christmas, Missoula's weather so far this season may not have you in an optimistic mood, but National Weather Service Meteorologist Dan Zumpfe says that there is still a good chance a winter wonderland is on the way.
Opening Delayed again
Opening Delayed again
Opening Delayed again
Eric Seagrave is learning to live with the disappointment of a western Montana spring. As Aquatics Supervisor for Missoula Parks and Recreation, Seagrave had to make the call to keep the doors to Splash Montana closed again this weekend.