cooking advice

Super Simple Oven Canning Can Save You Money
Super Simple Oven Canning Can Save You Money
Super Simple Oven Canning Can Save You Money
Have you ever thrown out dried goods because they went stale or you found meal worms feasting in them? Did you know there is a very simple way for you to save these precious goods from spoiling for years? Oven canning is really easy, and the best part of it is that you don’t have to buy a big expensive pressure cooker, jar lifters or pectin.
Fat Tuesday Gumbo, Yum!
Fat Tuesday Gumbo, Yum!
Fat Tuesday Gumbo, Yum!
So what are you doing for Fat Tuesday? Me, I’m cooking up a big cast iron pot of gumbo. I started Cajun cooking about 10 years ago and really enjoy it. It’s not light food by any means but it is filled with lots of flavor. And I mean more than just hot/spicy...