This is the weekend the Bitterroot Rough Riders Saddle Club would love to show what O-Mok-See is all about.

It's an open "play day" day of games on horseback for all ages at the Ravalli County Fairgrounds in Hamilton this Sunday, June 11. The fun begins at 10:00 a.m. with registrations accepted right up to showtime.

There will be prizes awarded from first to fifth place in all age groups: age 12 and under, age 13-17, 18+ men and 18+ women. This is a family sport with games including Poles, Figure 8, Arena Race, Speed Barrels and Flag Race.

Everyone is welcome to participate or just watch. It's family fun and a chance to see what O-Mok-See is all about. If you'd like to know more or preregister, contact Renee Huddleson at 719-252-1564 or Jill Stevens at 406-241-4908.


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