What do you think?  Are Montana drivers the worst in the country?  I'm pretty new to the area so I don't know about the whole state - but Missoula doesn't seem so bad.

A recent study by Your Mechanic put Montana in the top spot for states with the least-skilled drivers.  You read that right.  We're not on the list......we're the lowest performing and worst of the worst on the list!

They ranked the states based on average driver speeds and speed limits, road and bridge quality, and congestion levels.


Here's the top 10 states with the least-skilled drivers:
1 Montana
2 Louisiana
3 Arizona
4 South Carolina
5 Texas
6 Nevada
7 Delaware
8 New Mexico
9 North Carolina
10 Alabama

I have a couple issues with the study.
#1 - As drivers we can't do anything about road and bridge quality.
#2 - They're going to try and tell us with a straight face that California, Florida or New York didn't make the top 10?

What do you think - are we that bad of drivers in Montana?

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