As a resident of Lolo, MT it has been a crazy past week with the spread of the Lolo Peak fire. Hundreds of people have been evacuated from their home, not knowing if they would ever have the opportunity to go back to their house. It was scary, but the people in our great community let nothing stand in their way as they helped their friends and neighbors evacuate or prepare for it.

Photo Courtesy of Billy Jenkins
Photo Courtesy of Billy Jenkins

It was last Wednesday when we first saw evacuations and warning being put in place, and hundreds of families were scrambling to gather their belongings and animals to take them out of the danger of the fire. And since it began it has been an ongoing process of helping people being evacuated, or citizens stepping up to offer their land for livestock, and especially the huge show of support for the firefighters battling those blazes.

Photo courtesy of Billy Jenkins
Photo courtesy of Billy Jenkins

Seeing so many people pitch in definitely gave me more hope, knowing that everything was going to be OK. This was the first time I have ever lived in an area receiving an evacuation warning, and it was frightening having to think about what we needed to pack now to be safe just in case we did have to leave.

Photo courtesy of Billy Jenkins
Photo courtesy of Billy Jenkins

There are so many businesses and people that have stepped up to help out, not looking for anything in return. Just know that you and your actions are appreciated far more than you'll ever know.


    Big Sky View of Lolo, MT

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